Tributes and Gifts of Remembrance

Commemorate a joyous occasion, honor the memory of a loved one, or send a special message to a friend or colleague.

To provide language for your tribute, please “Add special instructions to the seller” as seen here or by contacting Dana at

A personalized tribute will be sent to the individual(s) or family you designate. The tribute was designed for MCHE by the late Frank Szasz, Holocaust survivor and renowned artist. The amount of your gift will not be disclosed. Minimum recommended donation: $15.00.

Be a part of our future.

Our mission is to teach the history of the Holocaust, applying its lessons to counter indifference, intolerance, and genocide.

Consider making a gift today.


Get in touch with us.

5801 West 115th Street STE #106,
Overland Park, KS 66211

(913) 327-8192

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