Ruthie Research Grant
Ruthie Abend Krigel Tivol was born in Dubienka, Poland in 1929. In December 1938, Ruthie, along with her sister and mother, joined her father who had traveled to the United States several years earlier to work to bring his family to Kansas City. Ruthie always understood how fortunate her family was to escape WWII and the Holocaust. She never forgot those who were left behind.
As an ardent supporter of MCHE, Ruthie provided sustaining support for MCHE in the form of a legacy gift – part of which has been designated as the Ruthie Tivol Graduate Research Fund. This fund supports annual scholarships, available to scholars through an application process. Graduate students researching the Holocaust and related history may apply for a grant of up to $2,500 to support their research costs.
Applications are due by April 1 and are reviewed by MCHE’s Academic Awards Committee composed of historians and professionals in the field of Holocaust studies. Winners will be notified by late April and awards will be publicly announced in early May at the MCHE Academic Awards Ceremony.