Ruthie Research Scholar Lecture

Nazi-Era Art Looting and The Status of Art Restitution Today

January 4, 2024
6:30 pm
Via Zoom

Beatrice Levine, graduate student at the University of Kansas, will deliver the inaugural Ruthie Research Scholar Lecture. This presentation explores what steps the art world is taking to facilitate restitution and search for masterworks still missing today, examines the history of Nazi looting, and questions where the art world is excelling and failing in its efforts to return looted works to their rightful owners today.

This program will be held via Zoom.

Ruthie Abend Krigel Tivol was born in Dubienka, Poland in 1929. In December 1938, Ruthie, her sister, and mother joined her father who had immigrated to Kansas City several years earlier. Ruthie always understood how fortunate her family was to escape WWII and the Holocaust. She never forgot those who were left behind.

As an ardent supporter of MCHE, Ruthie created a legacy — including the Ruthie Tivol Graduate Research Fund which supports scholars conducting graduate research on the Holocaust or a related subject.

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